Sunday, 16 October 2011

The Labour MP & Asylum seekers.

Jon Trickett MP for Hemsworth, on the 24th June Jon spoke at Wakefield's
Refugee's and
Asylum seekers Advocacy 's (RASA) annual refugee week about how to maintain
integration with Refugees and  Asylum seekers in the face of financial cuts. RASA is a
Multi-cultural organisation offering free and confidential advice and support service for
Asylum Seekers and Refugee's in a range of specialist topics including: Immigration,
assistance with National Asylum Support  Service (NASS), welfare benefits,
employment, health and housing. The events varied from street celebrations for all
( why wasn't the Indigenous population notified ?), conferences, engaging
people topics addressing immigration, awe inspiring events, and a picnic in
Wakefield's Sculpture Park.
In his presentation, Jon spoke about the Labour Party's official views on the topic
and connected with the audience by giving personal stories about his experiences
with Asylum seekers and Refugee's. These ranged from stories of Jon's
 who was a refugee from Eastern Europe. That explains his stance on the English. 

RASA gets funding from the National Lottery, and Wakefield Council from 
2009 have been donating £5000 a year towards this organisation. Labour 
Councillor Laurie Harrison has denied that this RASA organisation ever 
existed and that he denied funding was given, so a Freedom of Information 
request was sent and here is their reply.

Rogan, Julian
Wakefield City Council

14 October 2011

Dear Mr.

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information

I am writing in respect of your recent enquiry for information held by the Authority under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.

Please find the information you requested below. Should you have any queries regarding the information we have sent you please use the contact details at the bottom of this email or write to the Freedom of Information Officer, Information Compliance, at the address below.

RASA receives the majority of its funding from the National Lottery and they were awarded a 3 year grant in 2009 which expires in March 2012. It was a condition of the grant that they receive some match funding from the Local Authority and the Council agreed to contribute £5k per annum for the term of the grant. This is a contribution to the rent of the building where they provide a range of advice and welfare services to refugees, asylum seekers and the wider community of Wakefield and District. The Council has not made any financial commitment beyond 2012.

Yours sincerely

Julian Rogan

Information Manager
Information Compliance Services
Democratic and Information Services
Legal and Governance

So you can see there is some kind of cover-up by not only the councillors but the Labour MP Jon Trickett. < Here is the link to RASA.

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