Friday 12 June 2015

Immigration Centre declared `Well Run` despite one incident of `mass indiscipline` among detainees.

Morton Hall immigration centre, Swinderby.

An immigration removal centre has been declared as `well run` despite a mass disruption during an incident last year. The independent monitoring board for Morton Hall Immigration Removal Centre in Swinderby, between Newark and Lincoln  has published its most recent findings saying that the facility is a continuing success. The report said

"There was, however, one serious incident in September 2014 when the unfortunate death of a detainee occasioned mass indiscipline among the detainees, resulting in the evacuation of all staff from the inner compound, some minor damage was caused, the breaking of windows, and water damage to the buildings caused by the use of  fire hoses, despite that one incident the centre remains an impressive establishment providing a safe, calm and positive environment for the detainees, there continues to be a good staff ~ detainee relationship and the board can report that detainees feel safe".

The report said good order was restored by riot teams and the main perpetrators were removed. 

Morton Hall has been an Immigration removal centre for men since 2011, having previously been a closed women`s prison, it has a capacity of 392 inmates. Currently 50% of detainees are from, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, the largest religious groups are, Muslim, Sikh and Christian. The board did however, have concerns. One was regarding staffing levels, although it is understood they would increase. Another issue was what the board as the `inhumane` removal of detainees at night. Detention of large numbers of people with mental issues was also a concern, one detainee was held for 128 days before securing a mental health placement, there were 83 incidents of self harming in 2014, 45 of which needed medical treatment.

The board wants to inquire if adjoining disused farmland could be used for extra accommodation, the centre is spread over 2 two storey and 3 single storey units. Its has workshops, an healthcare centre, care and separation unit, library, multi-faith centre, education and learning centres, gymnasium, dining hall, kitchens and a visitors centre. The inmates receive 3 meals a day, but the board took an issue with the quality of food, particularly the meat provided. The kitchen caters for detainees of more than 50 nationalities and cultural groups, Jamaican food is provided on Sundays, African food on Tuesdays and Eastern and European food on Fridays. Education services are provided by Lincoln College.

 Below is a link with the details of the Immigration Centre.


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