Sunday, 6 November 2011

Islamic slaughter house gets raided.

News has just reached us that the Halal slaughter house in Osset near Wakefield has been raided by hundreds of Police officers, We are not sure at this present time as to the reasons why. Things are a bit sketchy but we will update as soon as we get the information. << Here is the excact location of the slaughter house.

Yorkshire Halal Meat Suppliers

176 Wakefield Road
Osset WF5 9AQ
Tel: 01924 272828


  1. Wonder if the police confiscated the meat or the 'crap'

  2. These sick devils, and their jewish kosher counterparts, and their love of blood and animal suffering is beyond comprehension.

    Please don't ever get in the way of the Animal Rights people, including PETA. God Bless these people.
