Thursday 15 May 2014


An Ancient Island Home.

The recognition of indigenous identity, and the guardianship of the native people's lawful and natural right to a homeland, and to a chosen way of life, is fundamentally a matter only for those people. It is entirely non-negotiable.

The rights of the native English, as a people, to native entitlement to their land and to self-determination, is established in Common Law, in the Constitution and in custom.

An unlawful political State has introduced Statutes (regulations and controls), and other oppressive devices, with the clear intention of divesting the people of these islands of what is theirs (and what should be their descendents) by reason of birthrite.

The declaration summarises the claim of entitlement of an indigenous people.

Recognition Under International Agreement

The indigenous rights of a native population (that must include the native populations of the British Isles) are recognised and stipulated by the member states of the United Nations [1].

On the 13th September 2007 the United Nations 'Declaration On The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples' was adopted by the UN General Assembly.

Of particular interest are the following solemn proclamations, that:

“Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right not to be subject to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture.” [Article 8(1)];

“Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right to belong to an indigenous community or nation, in accordance with the traditions and customs of the community or nation concerned … no discrimination of any kind may arise from the exercise of such a right” [Article 9];

“Indigenous peoples have the right to own, use, develop and control the lands, territories and resources that they possess by reason of traditional ownership or other traditional occupation or use, as well as those which they have otherwise acquired.” [Article 26(1)]

Its therefore asserted that the indigenous people of the British Isles (including, of course, the native English) can rely on the support of the United Nations in defending our rights against our totalitarian Government – and against enforced multiculturalism and colonisation.

It is notable that the UK representative (Karen Pierce) stressed the UK Government's recognition of the rights of 'a people' in occupation of their land (the example she gave was the Falkland Islanders) [2]. She went on to state the UK Government's recognition of a collective right to self-determination in international law, and also that the UK Government recognised that the particular declaration to be a statement of the rights of indigenous individuals to have their human rights (specifically their indigenous rights) to be recognised on an equal basis to the rights of all other individuals. In other words, their (indigenous) rights could not be subordinate to the rights of any other (non-indigenous) individual [3].

Final thought.

These are the rights of indigenous people, as recognised by agreement of the member states of the United Nations. The indigenous English cannot be excluded from this international recognition of native entitlement.

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