Thursday, 19 February 2015

Muslim who plotted to kill a British Soldier found guilty.

Pictured above, Brusthom Ziamani 

Brusthom Ziamani has been found guilty of planning to behead a British soldier, by a jury at the Old Bailey.

Ziamani, 19, of Camberwell, London, was arrested with a bag containing a 12in knife, a hammer and an "Islamic flag" in east London in August 2014.
The court heard he had been inspired by the murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby in 2013, researched Army cadet base sites and boasted of a plot to "kill soldiers".
He will be sentenced on 20 March.
During the trial, jurors were told how Ziamani had "reverted" to Islam at the beginning of 2014 and was arrested after he had shown his ex-girlfriend weapons.The court heard how Ziamani had fallen in with members of al-Muhajiroun - an extremist organisation - after he was "kicked out" of home for converting to Islam in early 2014. 

He attended the group's talks in the basement of a Halal sweet shop in Whitechapel, London, and bought a black flag to take on their demonstrations, saying "I'm going to rock it everywhere I go in the Kaffirs' face". Brusthom Ziamani told a prison officer he had delivered Islamic leaflets with the Woolwich soldier killer Michael Adebolajo, the Old Bailey heard.
The 19-year-old also wanted to "harm" Prime Minister David Cameron if he had the chance.

Pictured above the Islamic Shahada Flag. 

He posted comments on Facebook saying that he was "willing to die in the cause of Allah" and saying: "Sharia law on its way on our streets.
"We will implement it, it's part of our religion."

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