Monday, 16 February 2015

Kent National Front hold day of action.

Above, members of Kent National Front.

Kent National Front had a day of action today in the South East in Ramsgate town centre on February 14th 2015. 

The Kent National Front Organiser Mr Mark Freeman said "We engaged with the public handing out our leaflets to passers by in the middle of the town centre, We started around midday and handed out nearly 800 leaflets, We were well received by the public who were coming up to us asking questions and were interested in what we had to say, After 2 hrs we went down to Ramsgate Royal Harbour where we leafleted there for another hour where we had car and buses honking there horns in agreement with what we stood for, Mark went on to say,  "Whilst at the harbour we had a group of lads come up to us and took some leaflets off us to pass onto their friends and asked if they could have a photo taken with our flag.
We then went back into the town centre for half hour and handed out the last of our leaflets. All in all we had a very successful day of action in Kent.

Above, Kent NF at the Royal Harbour.

Above, Kent NF in Ramsgate.

Above, Kent NF in Ramsgate.

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