Tuesday, 4 November 2014

National Front hold meeting in South London.t

On Thursday 30th October 20124, London National Front held an excellent meeting in a very historic public house right near London bridge.

London regional organiser Tess Culnane opened the meeting, Tess called for unity amongst London nationalists. Next was Tony Martin who gave an excellent branch report and spoke about local campaigns . Then it was the turn of Kent organiser Mike Easter who spoke about 4 main points that nationalist should be pushing to the public.

Tess Culnane London Regional Organiser.

Tony Martin.

Mike Easter.

Then before the break it was the turn of veteran nationalist Richard Edmonds, Richard spoke about the excellent NF activities that he had recently attended and pushed home the fact that the NF have now got it right, holding excellent demos and getting out there talking to the public.

Richard Edmonds.

There was then a break with a sumptuous buffet and an excellent collection.

After the break Tess introduced national Chairman Kevin Bryan, Kevin spoke about how the face of London had changed since that first boatload of Jamaicans had first arrived at Tilbury on the 'Empire Windrush' 66 years ago. Kevin also spoke about the various political parties and have focus on UKIP and how they are just another state asset and don't have a clue about how to solve the prproblems that mass immigration has done to our country.

National Front Chairman, Kevin Bryan.

Video footage of The National front meeting.

Part 2 of video footage of National front meeting.

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