Wednesday, 5 November 2014

National Front attend Bolton anti-mosque protest.

Around sixty members and supporters of the National Front took part in the anti-mosque protest in Bolton on Saturday 2nd August, in pouring rain, protesting against plans for a large new mosque in the Astley Bridge area of the town, which were approved by Bolton Council last month.
Local people and the NF allied with  organisations such as the North West Infidels and the Scottish Defence League and swelled the protesting crowd to well over 400.

Of course the usual dregs of the UAF and the Bolton Trades Council (completely Marxist) tried to howl down the Front's message and they were joined by a lot of local Muslim  youths who stood with the anti-White Reds. Hundreds of police were on duty but the majority of them were surprisingly surrounding the Nationalits and local residents instead of facing the hostile opposition who were seen to be throwing bottles, bricks and a firework was also thrown, it was witnessed that up to 10 police officers pounced upon a young White English female to what can only be described as a physical assault, she was subsequently arrested to the disgust of the protesters, the police didn't even lift a finger to the hostile Muslims

Hundreds of National Front leaflets were handed out and after the meeting, around 80 people gathered in a local pub where the Front held a spontaneous rally! This is becoming a part of regular NF demos.
Kev Bryan, Party Chairman gave a speech which was accompanied by cheers and applause as well as the massed chanting of "National Front, National Front!".
New members were signing up spontaneously after the impromptu rally..

Final thought
The outraged White people of Britain know that the NF were out on Saturday giving them a voice, as the NF is doing throughout the cities and towns of Great Britain!

National Front Chairman Kevin Bryan speaking after the demo.

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